Thermochemical Compositions in Oil Production
My research in the Ufa Branch of the Yugansk Oil Research & Development Project Institute was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Viktor V. Ragulin. It was focused on the application of heat and gas generating (thermochemical) compositions to remove heavy organic asphaltene-wax-paraffin deposits from oil wells, pipes, and storage tanks.
Thermochemical composition
for removal of asphalt-resin-paraffin wax deposits
Ragulin, V. V.; Shavaleev, N. M.; Gerasimov, Yu. V.; Latypov, O. A.
Patent RU 2203411. Published: 2003.04.27. Priority: 2002.01.03.
Gas-liberating foaming
Ragulin, V. V.; Shavaleev, N. M.; Shadymukhamedov, S. A.; Smolyanets,
E. F.; Ragulina, I. R.
Patent RU 2197606. Published: 2003.01.27. Priority: 2002.02.08.
Thermochemical composition
for removal of asphaltene petroleum resin deposits from petrochemical equipment
Ragulin, V. V.; Shavaleev, N. M.; Khasanov, M. M.; Mikhailov, A. G.
Patent RU 2186948. Published: 2002.08.10. Priority: 2001.05.25.